My Boyfriend Takes Me for Granted
Table of Contents
Every relationship has its ups and downs, and it’s a beautiful journey full of love, mutual understanding, and respect. But there are times when the balance shifts, and you may begin to feel undervalued or taken for granted. However, saying that my boyfriend takes me for granted is a serious accusation, so ensure that you are not just feeling that the grass is greener on the other side.
Let’s take a closer look at the statement that my boyfriend takes me for granted and recognize and understand the signs of being taken for granted.
This will be the first step towards addressing the serious issues and hard feelings that arise when you start feeling that your current partner is taking you for granted.

If you’re reading this post, it’s because you feel like your boyfriend is taking you for granted, and this post is for you so that you can work on your own happiness.
the Signs my boyfriend takes me for Granted
The best way to recognize the signs that your boyfriend may be taking you for granted is to look at the most common reasons for this:
1. Lack of Appreciation
The little things you do for him go unnoticed. You’re constantly putting in the effort, but he rarely expresses gratitude or appreciation and sometimes seems not to even notice.
2. He Expects Too Much
He expects you to be available at his convenience and demands that you cater to his needs, and you feel that he disregards your time and feelings.
3. Lack of Reciprocity
You feel that you are constantly giving but not receiving. By this, I am not referring to things but rather to time and support. You feel the relationship is one-sided, and he’s not meeting your emotional needs.
4. He Stops Treating You With Respect
Respect is a fundamental cornerstone in any relationship, romantic or otherwise. When your boyfriend stops treating you with respect, it is a clear sign that he is taking you for granted.

This lack of respect can manifest in several ways:
I. Ignoring Your Feelings
If your boyfriend dismisses or belittles your feelings, it’s a significant red flag. Everyone’s feelings are valid and deserve respect. If he downplays your emotions or blames you for feeling a certain way, it shows a lack of respect for your emotional well-being.
II. Neglecting Your Boundaries
Disregarding the personal boundaries you’ve set is another indication of a lack of respect. If he continually crosses lines you’ve clearly established, it shows he’s not valuing your comfort and safety, which are fundamental in a caring relationship.
III. Disrespectful Communication
He doesn’t seem interested in your day, your feelings, or your thoughts. Communication is key in any relationship, and if he’s not putting effort into it, it may mean he’s taking you for granted.
This could be constant interruptions when you’re speaking, mocking or demeaning language, or openly criticizing you, especially in front of others.
IV. Manipulative Behavior
If he uses guilt, threats, or coercive tactics to get his way, it’s not only a sign of disrespect but also of an unhealthy and potentially abusive relationship. Respect involves valuing each other’s autonomy and making decisions together, not manipulating each other.
If you recognize these signs in your relationship, it’s a good idea to address them directly. Open, honest communication is the first step. If your boyfriend’s disrespectful behavior continues despite your efforts, it might be necessary to consider whether the relationship is serving your best interests.
If you ever feel unsafe or unsure about how to proceed, seeking support from a trusted friend, family member, or relationship coach can be very beneficial.
5. He Does Not Include You in His Life
A strong relationship involves intertwining lives to some extent. Of course, it’s healthy and necessary to have separate interests and friendships, but if your boyfriend is not including you in any aspect of his life, it is a sign that he’s taking you for granted.
The only way is to communicate your feelings and desires with your partner, emphasizing the importance of inclusion in each other’s lives.
If there’s continued resistance to this, it might be worth taking control of your own life.

6. He Stopped Pulling His Weight and Trying
Relationships require effort and contributions from both partners.
If your boyfriend has stopped putting work and effort into your relationship, this could be a strong indication that he’s taking you for granted, and then it is understandable and for good reason that you’re saying, “My boyfriend is taking me for granted.”
Here are some signs of this:
I. Unequal Contribution to Responsibilities: Whether it’s chores, bills, or other shared responsibilities if you find that you’re often picking up the slack while your boyfriend neglects his part, this is a clear indication he’s taking you for granted.
II. Lack of Effort in Resolving Issues: If you’re the one always initiating difficult conversations, proposing solutions, or making compromises while he remains passive or indifferent, it shows a lack of effort on his part in maintaining the health of your relationship.
III. Less Effort in Keeping the Spark Alive: Relationships require ongoing effort to keep the spark alive. If he no longer puts in the effort to plan dates, surprise you, or keep things exciting and romantic, it suggests he’s taking your relationship for granted.
IV. Taking You for Granted: If he assumes you’ll always be there regardless of how he acts or treats you, it’s a clear sign he’s taking you for granted. A loving relationship involves mutual appreciation, respect, and effort.
7. He Is Not Faithful to You
Infidelity is a significant breach of trust and can cause enormous pain and damage in a relationship. If your boyfriend is not faithful to you, he is definitely taking you for granted.
- Unfaithfulness is a severe form of disrespect and a definite indication that your partner is taking you for granted.
- If you’re dealing with infidelity in your relationship, it’s essential to take care of your emotional well-being first.
- It’s okay to take time to heal and make decisions that are best for you. Infidelity can be a deal-breaker for many, and it definitely is for me.
- There’s no shame in ending a relationship where you feel betrayed and taken for granted. You deserve respect, honesty, and faithfulness in a relationship
8. His Friends are More Important to Him than you are
While it’s healthy and essential for both you and your boyfriend to maintain your individual friendships and social lives, a balance should exist. If it appears that your boyfriend consistently prioritizes his friends over you, it is a sure sign that he’s taking you for granted.
Here are some potential indications:
- Always Choosing Friends Over You: If your boyfriend on a regular basis chooses to spend time with his friends over you—especially if it involves canceling plans with you at the last minute or if it’s during a time you’d normally spend together—it can signal that he doesn’t value your time or company as much as he should.
- Ignoring You Around Friends: If your boyfriend ignores you or treats you differently when he’s with his friends, it shows a lack of respect for your presence and feelings.
- Discussing Personal Issues with Friends First: While it’s normal to seek advice from best friends, if your boyfriend consistently discusses significant personal or relationship issues with his friends before talking to you, it could suggest he values their opinions over yours.
- Not Defending You: If his friends disrespect you and he doesn’t stand up for you, it could indicate that he values maintaining peace with his friends over your feelings and this is a clear sign that he is taking you for granted.
- No Compromise: If he’s unwilling to compromise when it comes to balancing time spent with friends and time spent with you, it shows a disregard for your needs in the relationship.

9. He Has Not Introduced You to His Family
Introducing a partner to family members is often seen as a significant step in a relationship, indicating seriousness and commitment. If your boyfriend has not introduced you to his family despite having ample opportunity to do so, it could be a sign that he’s taking you for granted.
Here are some considerations:
- Avoids Family Introductions: If he actively avoids introducing you to his family or changes the subject when you bring it up, it can suggest that he doesn’t view the relationship as seriously as you do.
- Lack of Seriousness: Not introducing you to his family can also signify a lack of commitment or seriousness towards the relationship. This lack of commitment might mean he’s taking your presence in his life for granted.
- No Clear Reason: If he hasn’t provided a clear, understandable reason for not introducing you (such as a strained family relationship or cultural differences), it might be a sign of taking you for granted.
It’s important to communicate your desire to meet his family and discuss why it’s important to you. His reaction to this conversation can tell you a lot about how he values the relationship.
10. He Avoids Emotional Intimacy
Emotional intimacy is the cornerstone of a strong, healthy relationship. It refers to the closeness, openness, and mutual vulnerability shared between partners. If your boyfriend consistently avoids emotional intimacy, it could be a sign that he’s taking you for granted.
Here are some signs:
- Limited Emotional Sharing: If your boyfriend seldom shares his feelings, fears, or hopes with you, he might be avoiding emotional intimacy. This can prevent you from truly understanding and supporting him.
- Dismissive of Your Feelings: If he’s dismissive of your emotions or refuses to provide comfort or understanding when you’re upset, it’s a clear sign that he’s avoiding emotional closeness.
- Avoids Vulnerability: If he often masks his weaknesses or insecurities, refusing to show vulnerability, it can hinder emotional closeness. Authentic relationships require partners to feel safe when exposing their vulnerabilities.
- Physical Intimacy Without Emotional Connection: If your relationship is predominantly physical, with limited emotional connection, he may be using physical intimacy to avoid deeper emotional engagement.
11. Feeling Unappreciated
Feeling unappreciated can be draining and disheartening. It can breed resentment, lower your self-esteem, and even make you question your worth. If your boyfriend consistently neglects to show appreciation for you, he is taking you for granted.
Here are some signs:
- Lack of Acknowledgement: If your boyfriend seldom acknowledges your efforts, whether they’re big gestures or small acts of kindness, it shows a lack of appreciation for your actions.
- Taking You for Granted: If he assumes that you’ll always be there to meet his needs without reciprocating or expressing gratitude, it means he’s taking your presence and your efforts for granted.
- Neglects Your Needs: If your boyfriend consistently neglects your emotional, physical, or social needs, it’s a clear indication that he’s not appreciating your worth.
- Rarely Expresses Affection: Affection can be expressed in numerous ways, from saying “I love you” to physical touch, and even through acts of service. If these expressions are rare or nonexistent in your relationship, you might feel unappreciated.
- Never Praises or Compliments You: Compliments and words of praise are simple ways to show appreciation. If your boyfriend rarely or never compliments you, it can make you feel unvalued.
Feeling unappreciated is often a symptom of deeper issues in a relationship. It’s crucial to communicate your feelings to your boyfriend and discuss the need for mutual appreciation in the relationship.

Why Do Guys Take You For Granted?
Understanding why some guys take their girlfriends for granted can provide insights that may help you address the issue more effectively.
However, it’s important to note that not all guys behave this way, and the reasons can greatly differ from one individual to another. That said, here are a few possible reasons:
1. Comfort and familiarity
With time, a relationship can often fall into a routine. While this familiarity brings comfort, it can also lead to taking the other person for granted. Your partner feels that you’ll always be there and always be the same, which can inadvertently lead to less appreciation for your efforts and contributions.
2. Unbalanced Relationship Dynamics:
If you are putting in significantly more effort than your boyfriend, it can create a dynamic where he becomes complacent and starts taking you for granted. This is often unintentional and may occur if people aren’t mindful of their actions and the impact they have on the relationship.
3. Past Experiences and Upbringing:
How a person was raised and their past relationship experiences can greatly influence their behavior in current relationships.
If they were raised in an environment where taking others for granted was common or their previous partners allowed such behavior, they may unknowingly continue this pattern.
4. Lack of emotional maturity
Emotional maturity is crucial to maintaining a healthy relationship. Those who lack this maturity may not fully understand or appreciate your value, leading to behaviors that indicate that they are taking you for granted.
5. Insecurity or Overconfidence
Sometimes, a boyfriend may take you for granted out of insecurity, believing that by doing so, they are protecting themselves from getting hurt.
On the other hand, overconfidence can lead to the assumption that you will never leave, no matter how you are treated.
6. People-Pleasing Tendencies
Often, if you are a natural people-pleaser, you might find yourself in situations where you are being taken for granted.
People-pleasers often put the needs and desires of others before their own in an attempt to maintain harmony or avoid confrontation. This can lead to others, including a boyfriend, taking advantage of their good nature.
In a relationship, if you continuously prioritize your boyfriend’s needs and wants over your own, it can create an imbalance. He might begin to expect this level of selflessness all the time, leading to a situation where you feel that he is taking you for granted.
It’s essential to remember that while it’s healthy and important to consider your partner’s feelings and needs, your own feelings and needs are equally important.
Finding a balance between meeting your boyfriend’s needs and maintaining your own identity and happiness is critical to preventing a dynamic where one person is taken for granted.
7. Avoidance of Confrontation
One significant factor that can contribute to being taken for granted in a relationship is avoiding confrontation.
If you tend to shy away from expressing your feelings, mainly dissatisfaction or discomfort, your boyfriend might remain unaware of the impact of his actions.
When people avoid confrontation, they often let behaviors slide or accept conditions that don’t fulfill their needs. This lack of communication might lead your partner to believe you are okay with their behavior, even when you’re not.
Consequently, they might continue with their actions, resulting in them taking you for granted. Fear of confrontation usually stems from a fear of conflict, potential rejection, or upsetting the other person.
However, it’s crucial to understand that healthy confrontation is not about attacking the other person. Instead, it’s about expressing your feelings, establishing boundaries, and finding mutual solutions.
Constructive confrontation involves expressing your feelings calmly and respectfully. You might say, “I feel unappreciated when…” or “I feel taken for granted when…”. This approach can lead to better understanding, mutual respect, and a stronger, healthier relationship.

8. Constant Need for Approval
A continuous need for approval or validation from others can be a contributing factor to feeling taken for granted.
This need often stems from low self-esteem or self-worth and can lead to a cycle where one perpetually seeks affirmation and validation from their partner or others around them.
When you consistently seek approval, you often change your behaviors, beliefs, or actions to align with what you believe will please your boyfriend.
This might include agreeing with his viewpoints even when they differ, tolerating behaviors that make you uncomfortable, or constantly striving to meet your boyfriend’s needs while neglecting your own.
This one-way street can unintentionally enable your boyfriend to take you for granted. The other person might start to expect this self-sacrificing behavior and, over time, may overlook the efforts put into pleasing him.
Furthermore, when you constantly seek approval, you may not communicate your needs and feelings for fear of disapproval.
This can lead to your boyfriend lacking an understanding of your feelings, contributing to your feeling of being taken for granted.
If you identify with constantly seeking approval, it might be helpful to work on building your self-esteem and confidence. This can involve recognizing your self-worth, asserting your needs and feelings, and understanding that your value is not solely determined by others’ approval.
9. Not Being Honest With Yourself
Not being honest with yourself can contribute to being taken for granted in a relationship. This usually manifests in two ways: denying your own feelings and needs, or denying the reality of your boyfriend’s behavior.
If you’re not honest about your feelings and needs, you might ignore or downplay situations where you feel unappreciated or undervalued.
This could lead you to accept behaviors that you shouldn’t, essentially giving your boyfriend a “pass” to continue taking you for granted. You may tell yourself that it’s not a big thing, or convince yourself that you’re overreacting, even when you’re genuinely hurt or upset.
Being honest with yourself requires self-awareness and self-compassion. It’s about recognizing your worth and acknowledging your feelings as valid. It also means facing the reality of your relationship, even when it’s uncomfortable or painful.
Once you start being honest with yourself, you’re more likely to communicate your needs effectively and set boundaries, which are important steps in addressing the issue of being taken for granted.
Remember, it’s okay to put your needs first and expect respect and appreciation in a relationship.
10. Having Low Expectations
Having low expectations in a relationship can also lead to feeling taken for granted. This is closely tied to self-esteem and self-worth.
If you don’t value yourself highly, you may not expect your partner to do so either. Having low expectations might lead you to accept less than you deserve.
For instance, you might settle for sporadic attention or affection, interpret minimal effort as grand gestures, or tolerate behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable or unhappy.
Over time, your partner may come to believe that this level of effort is adequate and may continue to behave in a way that leaves you feeling undervalued or unappreciated.
Moreover, having low expectations can sometimes stem from previous toxic relationships where such behavior was normalized. If your past partners neglected your needs or took you for granted, you might unconsciously carry low expectations into your current relationship.
Changing this dynamic starts with understanding your worth. You deserve respect, care, and effort in a relationship, just as you respect, care for, and put effort into your boyfriend.
Raising your expectations doesn’t mean becoming demanding or unreasonable; it’s about expecting a balanced relationship where your needs and feelings are considered and valued.

11. Fear of Confrontation
A fear of confrontation can significantly contribute to feelings of being taken for granted in a relationship. If the idea of addressing issues with your boyfriend fills you with anxiety or dread, you might find different reasons to avoid crucial conversations altogether.
This avoidance can perpetuate behaviors that leave you feeling undervalued, and you might say my boyfriend is taking me for granted.
By not addressing the issues that bother you, you give silent approval for them to continue. Your boyfriend, unaware of your discomfort or dissatisfaction, might continue behaving in ways that take you for granted, thinking you’re perfectly okay with it.
Fear of confrontation often comes from worrying about negative outcomes. You might fear arguments, upsetting your partner, or even the possibility of the relationship ending.
However, confronting issues is a fundamental part of healthy communication in relationships. It’s important to remember that confrontation isn’t about having a fight; it’s about expressing your feelings, setting boundaries, and finding mutual resolutions.
12. Giving More Than You Get
This is a very common reason for wanting to say that my boyfriend is taking me for granted. Relationships should ideally involve a balanced give-and-take.
When you consistently give more than you receive, it can create an imbalance that leaves you feeling undervalued and unappreciated.
Being a generous and caring partner is wonderful, but it’s also important to ensure that your generosity is reciprocated. If you’re always the one making sacrifices, putting in the effort, and prioritizing your boyfriend’s needs over your own, your boyfriend might start to expect this level of giving as standard.
This expectation can lead them to take your actions for granted, overlooking the effort and love that you put into them.
Moreover, constantly giving can lead to emotional exhaustion. If your efforts aren’t reciprocated, you might start to feel unfulfilled, frustrated, and hurt, which can affect your emotional well-being and the health of your relationship.
It’s important to remember that it’s okay—and necessary—to have your own needs met in a serious relationship.
Dealing with a Boyfriend Who Takes You for Granted
If you’ve realized that your boyfriend is taking you for granted, the situation can feel disheartening. However, remember that you have the power to influence the course of your relationship and protect your emotional well-being.
Here are some steps to consider:
1. Open and Honest Communication
The first step in addressing this issue is to have an open and honest conversation with your boyfriend about how you’re feeling. Make sure to choose a calm and private setting for this discussion to ensure a conducive environment for expressing your feelings and concerns.
- Express Your Feelings: Use ‘I’ statements to communicate your feelings. For instance, you might say, “I feel unappreciated when you don’t acknowledge the things I do for you.”
- Be Specific and Concrete: Discuss specific instances when you felt taken for granted. Concrete examples can help your boyfriend understand your feelings better.
- Express Your Needs Clearly: Let your boyfriend know what you expect from him and the relationship. Be clear about your needs for appreciation, respect, and consideration.
- Invite Him to Share His Perspective: Allow him to share his thoughts and feelings as well. His actions could be unintentional, or he might be dealing with personal issues that are affecting his behavior.

2. Have Fun Independently
An important part of self-care is learning how to enjoy your own company and have fun on your own. By embracing your independence and nurturing your interests, you not only develop a stronger sense of self, but you also demonstrate to your boyfriend—and more importantly, to yourself—that your happiness is not solely dependent on him.
Here are some ways to have fun by yourself:
- Explore New Hobbies: Pick up a hobby that you’ve always wanted to try. It could be painting, gardening, photography, or even learning a musical instrument. Hobbies not only help you relax and unwind but also provide a great sense of accomplishment.
- Enjoy Nature: Going for a walk or a run in a nearby park or spending a day at the beach can be incredibly rejuvenating. Nature has a wonderful way of refreshing our minds and calming our spirits.
- Read or Watch Movies: Get lost in the world of books or films. They’re a fantastic way to entertain yourself and can also offer new perspectives, ideas, and experiences.
- Pamper Yourself: Take a long, relaxing bath, give yourself a spa day at home, or simply lounge around in your favorite pajamas. Self-pampering can help you feel loved, cherished, and relaxed.
- Start a Fitness Routine: Physical exercise releases endorphins, which can make you feel happier and more energetic. Try out different forms of exercise, like yoga, dancing, or cycling, and find one that you enjoy the most.
- Learn Something New: Enroll in an online course or start learning a new language. Learning something new can be exciting and empowering. It not only broadens your knowledge but also boosts your self-confidence.
- Cook or bake: Experimenting in the kitchen can be a lot of fun. Try out new recipes or bake your favorite treats. The process can be therapeutic, and you get to enjoy a delicious meal or dessert at the end.
- Meditate: Meditation can help you clear your mind and reduce stress. Even a few minutes of mindfulness can have a significant impact on your mood and outlook.
3. Establish Boundaries
Setting healthy boundaries is crucial in any relationship. Boundaries help us communicate our needs clearly and ensure our emotional safety.
- Define Your Personal Boundaries: Determine what you’re comfortable with and what crosses the line. It could be related to how much you’re willing to contribute to the relationship, how you want to be treated, and how much time you’re willing to invest.
- Communicate Your Boundaries: Once you’ve established your boundaries, communicate them clearly to your boyfriend. Make sure he understands and respects your boundaries.
- Stand Firm in Your Boundaries: It’s important to maintain your boundaries once you’ve set them. If your boundaries are crossed, voice your concerns.
4. Prioritize Self-Care and Self-Love
During this time when you feel that your boyfriend is taking you for granted, it’s crucial not to neglect self-care. Take time for yourself, engage in activities that make you happy, and surround yourself with supportive friends and family.
- Engage in Activities You Enjoy: Spend time doing things that you love, whether it’s a hobby, reading, exercising, or just relaxing. This helps boost your mood and keep your mind off the issue at hand.
- Nurture Your Mental Health: Mindfulness, meditation, or even just deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress and promote emotional well-being.
- Build Your Support Network: Surround yourself with supportive friends and family members. Don’t hesitate to share your feelings with them—they can provide a fresh perspective and emotional support.
Remember, it’s okay to walk away from a relationship that consistently makes you feel unappreciated and taken for granted. Your well-being should be your top priority, and you deserve a relationship where you feel valued, loved, and respected.
5. Not Answering His Messages Right Away
It’s important to note that taking some time before responding to your boyfriend’s messages is not about playing games or trying to make him feel insecure.
Instead, it’s about respecting your personal time, maintaining your individuality, and preventing the habit of instant availability that might lead your boyfriend to take you for granted.
- Promote Mutual Respect: By not always being immediately available, you are subtly communicating that your time is valuable and should be respected. This can help foster a healthier dynamic where both of you respect each other’s time and personal space.
- Maintain Your Independence: Always being on-call for your boyfriend can inadvertently result in losing touch with your individuality. By taking some time for yourself before responding, you reinforce your independence and the fact that you have a life outside of the relationship.
- Set Healthy Boundaries: Immediately responding to messages can sometimes blur the boundaries between personal time and relationship time. It’s okay—and healthy—to set boundaries and take time for yourself.
- Avoid Developing Unhealthy Patterns: If you’re always instantly available, it can create an expectation that you’ll always respond immediately, which can inadvertently lead to feelings of being taken for granted.
- Foster a Balanced Relationship: In a balanced relationship, both partners have the space to pursue their interests and maintain their social circles. Taking time before responding to messages helps ensure this balance.
While it’s completely fine and often healthy to take your time before responding, it’s essential to maintain open and honest communication. If you’re going to be busy or need some alone time, letting your boyfriend know in advance can prevent misunderstandings and unnecessary worry. It’s all about promoting a relationship dynamic where both of you feel valued and respected. It is not about playing games.
6. Take care of your appearance
While it’s essential that you feel comfortable and authentic in your clothing choices, dressing up can be a powerful tool for boosting your confidence and maintaining a spark in your relationship.
Here’s why:
- Boosts Self-Esteem: Dressing well can increase your self-esteem and make you feel more confident. When you feel good about yourself, it reflects positively in your interactions with others, including your boyfriend.
- Creates Attraction: Dressing up, even on ordinary days, can keep the element of attraction alive in your relationship. It demonstrates that you take care of yourself, which your partner frequently appreciates.
- Shows Self-Respect: The effort you put into presenting yourself can be a reflection of how much you respect yourself. This can positively influence how your boyfriend perceives and treats you.
- Maintains Personal Style: Dressing up allows you to express your personal style and individuality, which is an important aspect of maintaining your identity in a relationship.
- Promotes a Positive Attitude: Dressing well often promotes a more positive attitude and mindset. This, in turn, can have a positive effect on your relationship.
Remember, the goal is not to dress up for the sole purpose of impressing your boyfriend, but to feel good about yourself and maintain your individuality. Dressing to impress should be more about self-expression and self-love than anything else.
7. Stop Doing the Things He’s Taking for Granted
It’s possible that your boyfriend may not realize how much he’s taking you for granted until the things you routinely do for him are no longer being done.
This isn’t about punishing him or withdrawing love and care, but rather about teaching him to appreciate the efforts you put into the relationship.
Here’s how you can approach it:
- Identify what he’s taking for granted: Reflect on the things you do that your boyfriend seems to overlook or undervalue. It could be anything from always being the one to make plans, doing most of the housework, or always being the one to compromise in disagreements.
- Stop or Reduce These Actions Temporarily: Once you’ve identified these actions, consider stopping or reducing them temporarily. This gives your boyfriend a chance to notice your efforts and possibly realize how much he has been depending on you in these particular areas.
- Communicate Your Feelings and Intentions: Find the right time, and make sure to communicate why you are making these changes. Express your feelings clearly, using ‘I’ statements to avoid blaming him. For example, you could say, “I feel taken for granted when I always do [specific task]. I’ve decided to step back from it for a while in hopes that we can share responsibilities more evenly.”
- Observe His Reactions: His reactions can be very telling. If he notices your reduced efforts and expresses a willingness to participate more equally in these tasks, it shows that he’s open to change and values your contribution. If he doesn’t notice or doesn’t seem to care, this could be a red flag.
- Promote Equal Participation: The ultimate goal is to promote a more balanced relationship where both partners appreciate and contribute to the relationship equally. Use this opportunity to discuss sharing responsibilities more evenly or finding a balance that suits both of you.
Remember, a healthy relationship thrives on mutual respect, appreciation, and balanced contributions.

8. Focusing on Yourself
When you’re in a relationship, it’s easy to lose yourself in the needs and wants of your partner. However, maintaining your individuality and focusing on your personal growth is essential for your overall well-being and for maintaining a healthy relationship.
Here’s how you can shift focus back to yourself:
- Set Personal Goals: Establish goals that are not linked to your relationship. They could be related to your career, health, personal skills, or hobbies. Achieving these goals will not only boost your self-esteem but also keep you engaged and motivated.
- Invest in Personal Growth: Allocate time for learning new things, whether it’s taking up a new course, reading a book, or picking up a new hobby. Personal growth enhances your self-worth and keeps you mentally stimulated.
- Prioritize Self-Care: Make sure to take care of your physical, emotional, and mental health. This could mean regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, practicing mindfulness, or seeking therapy if needed.
- Maintain Your Social Circle: Spend quality time with friends and family. These relationships are crucial for your emotional health and provide a support system outside of your romantic relationship.
- Indulge in Activities You Love: Do things that make you happy. It could be anything from painting, dancing, gardening, cooking, or simply taking a walk in the park. These activities help you relax and stay in touch with your interests.
- Practice Assertiveness: Learn to express your needs, wants, and feelings openly and respectfully. Being assertive helps maintain healthier relationships and boosts your self-confidence.
9. Conveying Your Independence
In a healthy relationship, it’s important that both partners realize they are two complete individuals who choose to be together, not because they desperately need each other but because they enhance each other’s lives.
Conveying to your boyfriend that you would be totally fine without him is not about making him feel unimportant, but about showing him that you are a strong and independent person who is capable of taking care of yourself.
Here’s how you can do that:
- Be Self-Reliant: Show him that you can handle life on your own. This could mean managing your finances, taking care of your needs, or simply dealing with problems alone. Demonstrating self-reliance shows him that, while his support is appreciated, you are not solely dependent on him.
- Maintain Your Individuality: Continue pursuing your own interests, hobbies, and passions. Having your life outside the relationship shows that you are a whole person, with or without him.
- Have Your Own Social Circle: Spend time with your friends and family independently. It’s essential to have a support system and social life that are separate from your boyfriend’s.
- Communicate Your Independence: Openly communicate your feelings of independence. Let him know that while you value his presence in your life, you are not reliant on the relationship for your happiness or well-being.
- Show Confidence: Exude confidence in your abilities and decisions. Confidence speaks volumes about your ability to navigate life with or without him.
- Establish Personal Goals: Setting and achieving personal goals that are unrelated to your relationship demonstrates that you are concerned with your growth and are not defined by your relationship status.
By showing him that you are capable and content on your own, you convey the message that you are with him because you choose to be, not because you need to be.
This can lead to a healthier, more balanced relationship where both partners are valued and appreciated for who they are as individuals.

Being taken for granted can lead to feelings of resentment, hurt, and frustration. It’s important to remember that you’re worthy of respect and appreciation, and your feelings are valid.
Now that you are aware of the signs of being taken for granted and why some men take their partners for granted, you can possibly deal with the current situation, and be better prepared to handle the way forward.
In my experience, the way he reacts to your endeavors to be seen and appreciated will tell you a lot and should be your guide for the way forward.
He may not react or even notice and that should indicate that he does not care
He may wake up and realize the important things that you bring to the table, and his behavior will change in positive ways.
It might take time for your boyfriend to recognize and change his behavior, but with honest communication and clear boundaries, it’s possible to restore balance to your relationship.
Remember, every relationship is unique and will face its own challenges. If your boyfriend continues to take you for granted despite your efforts, it might be time to reevaluate the relationship. Always put your mental and emotional well-being first.
You deserve a relationship filled with respect, unconditional love, and mutual appreciation.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why do I feel taken for granted in my relationship?
Feeling taken for granted can arise for various reasons. Often, it’s a combination of personal insecurities, past experiences, and current relationship dynamics. If one partner consistently sacrifices their needs and wants without reciprocation, or if their efforts go unnoticed or unappreciated, feelings of being undervalued can emerge.
2. Isn’t dressing to impress or delaying message responses just playing games?
The goal behind these suggestions is not to manipulate or play games but to foster self-respect and ensure mutual appreciation. Dressing well is about self-confidence and self-expression, while not immediately responding to messages is about setting healthy boundaries and ensuring you maintain your individuality.
3. How do I communicate my feelings without sounding accusatory?
It’s essential to use “I” statements when expressing your feelings. Instead of saying, “You always take me for granted,” try saying, “I feel taken for granted when I consistently do things for you and they go unnoticed.” This way, you are expressing your feelings without placing blame, which fosters honest communication.
4. What if my boyfriend doesn’t recognize or change even after I’ve taken steps to address the issue?
Relationships require effort from both sides. If you’ve communicated your feelings and made efforts to address the imbalance, but your boyfriend remains unresponsive or dismissive, it may be time to reevaluate the relationship. Consider seeking couples therapy or counseling to address deeper issues.
5. Is it wrong for me to want appreciation and recognition in my relationship?
Absolutely not. Everyone deserves to feel valued and appreciated in their relationships. Wanting recognition for your efforts and contributions is natural and essential for a healthy relationship dynamic. Mutual respect and appreciation are foundational pillars for a thriving partnership.